
Welcome to HACK4PURPOSE, a nationwide entrepreneurial hunt conducted by DPurpose Foundation, to encourage, direct and champion our youth to innovate for a sustainable planet. We simply wish to tap your potential for purpose and provide you all that is needed to put your innovation into action.

Join us from February 1st, 2024, for an immersive online hackathon designed exclusively for college students to channel their creativity and technical inventiveness towards impactful-sustainable solutions. The primary focus of the first edition of Hack4Purpose lies on four pillars of innovations in alignment with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations.

Applications will be open until May 29th, 2024!



Hack4Purpose 200+
SDG Idea bank


Hack4Purpose List of Native Industries


Hack4Purpose PPT template for submission of your idea


The ultimate goal of Hack4Purpose, is shape the energy wave of innovations that is built-in the blood and veins of all our students today and channelize it to solve the most pressing issues and consequences of climate crisis. Hack4Purpose is the most grandiose event you can find to provide the utmost ecosystem for the entrepreneur in you.

The Finale event during June will invite and honor TOP 100 teams among thousands of participants across the nation. Special prizes will be awarded for the TOP 3 teams and on the spot cash awards will be handed to the team successfully achieving the FIRST PLACE.

Need clarity or have burning questions? Join our online webinar on March 1st for a live discussion and doubt-clearing session. You are always welcome to nudge or poke or ping us with any queries through our Whatsapp or Email as well.

We invite all students pursuing engineering degrees, MBA and Postgraduation to participate in the competition. Specific list of eligibility to participate is available in our brochure please have a look before proceeding to apply.


Join Our Hackathon: By following our Step-by-Step Registration Guide


Our themes for this 1st Edition of Hack4Purpose let’s you Hack from 4 major pillars.

Hack from Seniors

  • Transform a project or thesis from seniors/past graduates into a viable business model, showcasing your ability to innovate and create value from existing ideas.
  • Embrace the opportunity to build on the foundation of your seniors' work and bring a fresh perspective to the table. (Don’t forget to give them the credit )
  • Showcase your entrepreneurial spirit by taking the legacy to new heights!

Hack from Native

  • Dive deep into the unique identity of your region
  • Unleash your innovation to address and enhance the native richness, creating solutions that resonate with the cultural and economic fabric of your district or state.
  • Showcase how your idea not only stands out in the hackathon but also contributes meaningfully to the local industries and heritage

Downloadable List of Native Industries

Hack from Us
  • Create solutions that address pressing global issues by aligning with 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
  • 17 SDG goals with data quoted for significant sub-categories under each goal is given.
  • Any innovations relevant to the given data/statement under the 17 Goals can be submitted

Downloadable Pdf of SDGs Idea Bank

Hack from You
  • Unleash your creativity by proposing your very own solutions aligned with any of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Address global issues through your unique perspective and united team efforts.
  • Your challenge, your topic – make a difference with your unique perspective!

Our objections as part of Hack4Purpose lies on these strong impactful notions

Foster an entrepreneurial mindset among young minds, to develop solutions for sustainability with commercial viability and social impact.
Reflect as the ultimate ecosystem for entrepreneurial minds solving for sustainability with innovation.
Promote gender diversity and inclusivity by encouraging and supporting the active participation of female students.
Growth of local economies by inspiring youth to address native industrial challenges and opportunities

Feb 1st

Registrations open for Hack4Purpose through website

March 1st

Webinar session 1 shall be conducted through Google meet/Zoom to clarify doubts

May 17th

Updates on Finale and Webinar session 2 shall be conducted for clarification of doubts

May 29th

Hack4Purpose 1st edition applications closes

June 10th

Top 100 selected teams list will be released in our website

June 26th & 27th

Top 100 teams will present their ideas in front of judges offline and top team will receive 1 Lakh INR cash prize and 2nd and 3rd place will receive a special prize (Phase 1 Finale)


The updates of Batch 1 of 100 teams of Hack4Purpose will be released online with investment/funding for top 10 teams to establish their startup (Phase 2 Grand Finale)


Submission of ideas and innovations
Discussions on webinar to clarify doubts
Selection of top 100 projects
Hack4Purpose Finale 1 (Offline)
Presentation of ideas and solutions
Transforming Idea to Product in our platform
Hack4Purpose Finale 2 (Online)

Judging Criteria

S.No Criteria Score Description
1 Understanding Problem statement 10 How clear is the team's understanding of the problem statement and how relevant is the proposed solution
2 Innovation/Uniqueness in Idea 10 Is the team's idea out of the box and innovative in its approach, process or product in any form and how well it is justified
3 Impact of the innovation/technology 15 How well does the idea/innovation benefit the environment, social and economic factors with clear roadmap to achieving it
4 Team and their role allocated for each 10 The idea is only as strong as the team, the roles each of them take and how well they collaborate is highly important
5 Alignment with SDG 10 How relevant is your idea and solution to the sustainable development goals
6 Clarity on Target Customers 10 Who is your customer who are you selling to? Is there a clear understanding of target customer base. More preference will be given in case user feedback or inputs have been included talking to potential customers
7 Presentation 15 How well the team has provided all details required in the ppt template given
8 Business Model 10 Clearly define revenue model how is your idea going to make money?
9 Financial Viability 10 How simple and affordable is the proposed technology or solution as in India the price point is key and affordability is key for all innovations



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